Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Night beyond years.

That Night I lived
That Night I Loved
That Night I Kissed
That Night I Blushed
That Night I Submitted
to his charms,
That Night I let myself free
in his arms

That Night I felt his breath
climbing up my neck to my ears
Whispering I was special
He held me to never let go
That Night was beyond years

That Night I belonged to him
Only to realize, the day rested at the brim.


  1. I'm a first time visitor here. Must say that you write with a deep sense of emotions and that totally reflects in this blog. This was my first read here, and the way you've approached the end of this post is so lucid although it's such a difficult emotion to express. Kudos!

    You've definitely added one more fan into the basket! Look forward to read more from you.

  2. Do you take tuition Priyanka? ;) *opens up the thesaurus to find adjectives* But, it appears, nothing matches what this piece of writing deserves!

  3. Get your poems published, na! I'd be the first one to buy or Pre-order! ;)
    Please, please!?
    Do I even need to say, that this one, again, is a masterpiece!?

  4. beauty, redefined:)
    there were so many chances that this poem would have gone a little explicit. but you did it just right! it is so simple, beautiful and perfect!you've got such a charm to yourself!:)*adores*

  5. I firmly b'lieve writin dis poem is a gr8 adventure fr u , which requires a lot of energy to b put in ... N for readers , dis master-piece renders energy , power , hope , relief .. so law of conservation of energy achieved ... again , congratulations to u !!

  6. Whats in a name: I am glad you visited! I hope my posts make you a regular visitor in here :) Thanks so much!

    Greeshma: Haha! :P and thanks re, when it comes from someone as talented as you are, its a great kick :)

    Anuranjani: I missed you here! And Thats so sweet re, thanks so much! :)

    Brinda: Thanks a lot! I am glad I managed to pull that! Thanks, :)

    Niharika: Thanks re! :)

  7. Rimesh: Thanks a lot! I am totally delighted to read such good things about this one :) Thanks!


    Its just amazing..

  9. *That Night I belonged to him
    Only to realize, the day rested at the brim.

    Woohoo! It had to come from you.

  10. Juhi: Thanks re :)

    Aayushi: Thanks my little one :*

  11. But after that 'lust', boys go !!

  12. Little Things In Life: Thanks a lot :)

    Fahad Naheem: This was least about Lust!

  13. wen's next gonna come .. ?? M waiting all day , jz to hover ovr upcoming softcopy f ur thoughts ... :)

  14. i intended to say a million things. till i read a million in these so few lines.
