Thursday, February 27, 2014

Once again

I can no longer hide my desires.
Not any more.

I cannot choose between my entirety
and your hypocritical demands
I do not dread being alone
but loneliness does hound

My body cannot carry your scent any longer
and my taste buds have desensitized
While you keep urging me to taste
the dish you served,
the one I denied

In a fight between denial and me denying
I let denial win again
because the only candle in the room
nursed in the darkness of my being
melted away to undo the shadow
cast on the frame of our ties

I have hidden all my desires,
once again.


  1. Don’t just hide your desires, Nurture them and Preserve them
    Don’t choose between you and Him, choose to be with him
    Love doesn’t demand anything, it just long for support
    You don’t compete with the denial
    It’s for little time and you are forever
    You hold the desires tight
    They will blossom with his fragrance once again
    You will be his princess, don’t get insane
    Let the candle melt, there will be glow of your love Almighty says

  2. Ohhh... You love abiding citizen... You can't give up so easily...
