Friday, February 24, 2012

In death she did write.

Lost in limbo she remains
Concealing the marks around her lips
Dried tears and ashen face
Smoking away the pain that pricks
As time peels her soul
Layer by layer
Piercing all that belonged to her
On what he feasted
Beastly hands and beastly lips
She lies there fluttering her legs
She lies there then numb
A dingy room and that fluorescent light
A naked her with none by side
For not hands he held, but only thighs
And then left withering her
Another hideous man arrives
And she is done again and left to her plight
While her lips remain sealed
Her soul cries
As the mirror tells her
He doesn’t care about your eyes
His frame of reference is
That flower between your thighs

"I cannot demand love
to me even care is denied
Fuck your world
I am no more the site"
She shouted, bolted her doors
And embarked her flight

They laid the stone
That read R.I.P
She was found in a gown that was white
What life denied her
In death she did write
While she lived those last minutes
Feasting on her life
Smiling at herself, welcoming death with pride.


  1. It's dark, like really dark. The ravage described makes me cry out for her. The most terrible state to be in when one's own self starts questioning the existence. All I would wanna know: What inspired this?

    And needless to say you are a creator of marvels. I am short of words to convey how a weaver of a mind you have. Much love.

  2. Was just in a terrible state of mind! This was a vent out :) And thank you, you know what it means when it comes from someone you look up to? when you comment, it is that to me :)
    More love!

  3. For once, I shuddered! And, my! did it freak the hell out of me! Priyanka, it's hard hitting and awakening! Time and again, I re-quote, you're a 'Pen-ninja' woman! <3
    -Love much! :*

  4. Beautifully written,A piece of brillancy
    Dont know you much but could'nt help but appreciate ! :)

  5. *takes off hat*
    This is absolutely beautiful!!
    You manage to tell eons of pain and helplessness in just a few beautiful lines.

  6. The creative vent outs are 'our thing'...! :) But one quick thing, buzz me anytime you are in 'this' terrible state. Don't be in it alone. I'm here. And no cheating hai ye. I look up to you.

  7. Concealing the marks around her lips
    this line. i think i wrote what it wants me to do. :D

    As time peels her soul. again beautiful!

    She lies there fluttering her legs
    She lies there then numb
    A dingy room and that fluorescent light
    A naked her with none by side
    For not hands he held, but only thighs
    oh by gawd! the wordings!
    if a mood swing could do this, i wonder what must be going on in that beautiful head of urs!

    While her lips remain sealed
    Her soul cries
    As the mirror tells her
    He doesn’t care about your eyes
    this one deserves a double oscar man! and a chocolate ice cream!

    In death she did write
    While she lived those last minutes
    Feasting on her life
    Smiling at herself, welcoming death with pride.
    mindblowing oye!!

  8. God. Pri, You okay na? this was some serious Writing. And Again I'll write this, and be ignored again, Happiness. I wanna see that. Come on :)

  9. I only got back to write on Gossamer Diaries ;)
    Your poetry writing skills only grows ree. The poems get more meaningful, dark , and flows an imagery right before my eyes. <3
    I love you, of course you know. :*

  10. Greeshma : I love you na! mmmmwah! Thanks love :)

    Nikki : I am glad you liked it! Thank you :)

    Pee Vee : You're only being kind :) Thanks!

  11. Neha : I love you :)

    Raj : I love the way you put it :) Thank you :)

    Pulkit : Yes mister! I will.. and don't you worry all is good, this is just trying my hand on something else and nothing else :)

  12. Aayushi: *hugs* How I missed you here! :) Thank you babu, and indeed I am aware and I love you more :*

  13. then how come i dont get the kisses hugs and love everyone is getting showered with?!

  14. this made me cry!
    whoa! you're on wonderful poetess! loaads of love!<3
